About Us
About Us
We're not interested in unnecessary inspections or tests.
Although practically every home has some mold, certain homes just have too much. This is usually the result of previous or ongoing water intrusion. Molds love water. If you have or had a water leak, chances are that mold growth is accelerating. We need to find out if there is an excessive amount of moisture that leads to mold in your home and if any mold is present. We also need to identify the type of mold we’re dealing with. Certain molds are just bad news.

Who We Are:
We are a completely independent inspection firm that works solely and exclusively for you. We are not associated with any insurance, remediation, clean up, or construction company. We have no stake in your inspection results other than to provide you with an accurate picture of the conditions in your home as they relate to mold and moisture. We therefore inspect and test only on your say so, allowing you to control the scope and expense involved.